lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Past Continuous (1)

Write down the (-ing) form of the following words.
Mind the exceptions in spelling.

1. live → _______________

2. run → _______________

3. give →_______________
4. swim →______________
5. lie →________________
6. sit →________________
7. travel →______________

Exercise on Past Progressive

Underline the correct verb (Was or Were) and TRANSLATE.

1. Boris (was / were) learning English.


2. They (was / were) swimming in the lake.


3. Your father (was / were) repairing the car.


4. I (was / were) reading a magazine.


5. You (was / were) packing your bag.


6. My friends (was / were) watching the match on TV.


7. It (was / were) raining.


8. The dog (was / were) barking.


9. The children (was / were) brushing their teeth.


10. Anne and Maureen (was / were) singing a song.


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