domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Object Pronouns (7)

Change the sentences using Object Pronouns. Translate

Example: I like music. - I like it.

1. I believe Sam. - I believe __________.


2. We study English. - We study _______ in the morning.

3. The teacher teaches the students.
He teaches _________ math.

4. Carla calls David and me. She calls ________.

5. She is my favorite singer.
I really like _______.

6. I like to talk to Tyler.
I like to talk to _________ .

7. They like sports.
They play _________ every day.

8. The bookstore is next to the bank.
The bookstore is next to _________.

9. Wow! I really like this scarf.
I want to buy _________ .

10. Dad wants to talk to you and Jenny.
He wants to talk to ____________.

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