domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Object Pronouns (6)

Change the sentences using Object Pronouns. Translate.

Example: I like the teacher. - I like him.

1. She calls Mary. - She calls __________.


2. You eat breakfast with David. -

You eat breakfast with ________.


3. We don't like fast food. -

We don't like _______.


4. I miss my family. - I miss ________.


5. He wants the book. - He wants _________?


6. Max likes David and me. - Max likes __________.


7. We give present to Mum at Christmas. -

We give presents to ____________ .


8. I want to see the movie. - I want to see _________ .


9. We love to meet Peter and Julie. -

We love to meet ________.


10. I want to talk to Paul. - I want to talk to __________.


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