lunes, 26 de enero de 2009

Past Continuous (5)

Rewrite the sentences and put the verbs into the correct form (past progressive). TRANSLATE.

1. When I phoned my friends, they (play) monopoly.



2. Yesterday at six I (prepare) dinner.



3. The kids (play) in the garden when it suddenly began to rain.



4. I (practise) the guitar when he came home.



5. We (not / cycle) all day.



6. While Aaron (work) in his room, his friends (swim) in the pool.



7. I tried to tell them the truth but they (listen / not) .



8. What (you / do) yesterday?



9. Most of the time we (sit) in the park.



Past Continuous (4)

You want to know whether the following people were in the middle of an action at a certain time in the past.Write questions in past progressive.

1. Rachel / feed / the cat


2. the children / paint / a picture


3. Clark / repair / his computer


4. Hazel / swim / in the pool


5. Lucas / have / a shower


6. Jason and Aron / run / down the street


7. Betty / do / her homework


8. Cindy and James / make / dinner


9. Rebecca / watch / Star Trek


10. Anita and Linda / sit / in the kitchen


Past Continuous (3)

Somebody believes that yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action. That cannot be, however, as yesterday at 3 pm these people were not doing those things.
Write negative sentences in past progressive. TRANSLATE.

1. Sarah and Luke / not / work



2. Mister Miller / not / teach / chemistry



3. Barry / not / drive / a lorry



4. Mandy / not / have / lunch



5. Albert / not / play / tennis



6. Taylor and Bob / not / cycle / home



7. Annie / not / clean / the table



8. Benjamin / not / write / an e-mail



9. Jane / not / exercise / in the gym



10. Robert / not / buy / flowers



Past Continuous (2)

Yesterday at 3 pm the following people were in the middle of an action.
Write positive sentences in past progressive. TRANSLATE

1. you / play / cards



2. Alice / walk / around the lake



3. Caron / listen / to the radio



4. we / read / a book about Australia



5. Linda / look for / her ring



6. Fiona and Sam / visit / the castle



7. Ben / wash / the car



8. Kim and I / wait / in the park



9. My sister / feed / the birds



10. Greg and Phil / count / their money



Past Continuous (1)

Write down the (-ing) form of the following words.
Mind the exceptions in spelling.

1. live → _______________

2. run → _______________

3. give →_______________
4. swim →______________
5. lie →________________
6. sit →________________
7. travel →______________

Exercise on Past Progressive

Underline the correct verb (Was or Were) and TRANSLATE.

1. Boris (was / were) learning English.


2. They (was / were) swimming in the lake.


3. Your father (was / were) repairing the car.


4. I (was / were) reading a magazine.


5. You (was / were) packing your bag.


6. My friends (was / were) watching the match on TV.


7. It (was / were) raining.


8. The dog (was / were) barking.


9. The children (was / were) brushing their teeth.


10. Anne and Maureen (was / were) singing a song.


Plurals (5)

Change the plural nouns to singular. TRANSLATE.

1. Frogs are amphibians. ________________________


2. Wrenches are tools. _________________________


3. Pines are evergreens.________________________


4. Otters are mammals.________________________


5. Computers are machines. _____________________


6. Crabs are crustaceans._______________________


7. Crickets are insects._________________________


8. Oaks are hardwoods.________________________


Change the plural sentences to singular. TRANSLATE

1. A robin is a bird. ___________________________


2. A schooner is a ship.______________________

3. A mallard is a duck.______________________

4. A beech is a tree.________________________

5. A kangaroo is a marsupial.___________________


6. An emerald is a gem._______________________

Plurals (4)

1. Change the plural sentences to singular..
Make sure that the verbs agree with their subjects.

e.g. Engineers must be familiar with computers. (plural)
An engineer must be familiar with computers. (singular)

1. Trees produce oxygen.


2. Automobiles should be kept in good repair.



3. Bats locate insects by means of sonar.



4. Diplomats should, if possible, be multilingual.


5. Hats are useful in cold weather.


6. Physicists must study a great deal.


7. Elephants can be dangerous.


Change the singular nouns to plural.
Make sure that the verbs agree with their subjects.

e.g. A bicycle is a convenient means of transportation.
Bicycles are a convenient means of transportation.

1. A secretary should be proficient in spelling and grammar.


2. A sportsman needs to remain calm under pressure.


3. An eagle has good eyesight.


4. A conference requires careful planning.


5. A rock is composed of minerals.


6. A potato is rich in starch.


7. An omelette is made of eggs and other ingredients.


domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Irregular plural (3)

Write their plural form. Then make a sentence. TRANSLATE.

1. foot __________


2. wolf __________


3. person __________


4. analysis __________


5. yourself _________


6. goose __________


7. echo __________


8. fish __________


9. octopus ___________


10. thief ___________


Irregular plural (2)

Choose the correct form of the plural for each noun.

1. The plural of "shelf" is


2. The plural of "buffalo" is


3. The plural of "child" is


4. The plural of "woman" is


5. The plural of "deer" is


6. The plural of "phenomenon" is


7. The plural of "stimulus" is


8. The plural of "bus" is


9. The plural of "calf" (a baby cow) is


10. The plural of "thesis" is


Irregular plural (1)

There are many types of irregular plural, but these are the most common:

When a noun:

Ends with - fe
Change f to v then Add - s

knife - knives / life - lives / wife - wives


Ends with - f
Change f to v then Add - es
half - halves / wolf - wolves / loaf - loaves

Ends with -o
Add - es
potato - potatoes / tomato - tomatoes / volcano - volcanoes

ends with -us
Change -us to -i

cactus - cacti / nucleus - nuclei / focus - foci

ends with -is
Change -is to -es
analysis - analyses /crisis - crises / thesis - theses

ends with - on
Change -on to -a

phenomenon - phenomena / criterion - criteria

Change the vowel or Change the word or Add a different ending

man - men / woman, women / foot - feet

child - children /person - people

tooth - teeth /mouse - mice / louse, lice

Singular and plural are the same.

sheep - deer - fish (sometimes)

The following nouns have no singular:

Some nouns are always singular. Some of these nouns may be used in the plural when different kinds are meant as sugars, coffees, cottons

Countable some/any (9)

1. Circle the uncountable nouns:

house, car, cheese, apple, money, table,

sugar, coffee, cup, pencil, milk, wine,

potato, bread, petrol, shoe, film, tea,

newspaper, book, water, watch, toast, juice,

glass, salt, oil, pen, class, meat,

butter, sandwich, ham, egg, advice, holiday,

time, chocolate, information, pen, orange, tuna,

2. Charles is making an omelette for the first time. He asks his wife Alice who is
watching TV.

a) Fill in the gaps with some or any:

Charles: Alice! Have we got ____________ eggs?

Alice: Yes, there are ____________ in the cupboard.

Charles: Have we got ______________ cheese?

Alice: Yes, there’s ____________ in the fridge.

Charles: Can I use ___________ olive oil?

Alice: Yes, of course.

Charles: I need ____________ tomatoes.

Alice: We haven’t got _____________. Charles, would you like ___________ help?

Charles: No, thanks, I’m OK.

b) Answer/complete these questions:

1. Do we use some or any in positive sentences? ______________

2. Do we use some or any in negative sentences? ______________

3. Do we usually use some or any in questions? ________________

4. But we use ______________ in questions when we expect the answer “Yes” or when
the question is an offer.

3. Fill in the gaps with some or any:

Tom: Let’s go for a picnic in the park.

Sarah: OK. We’ll make _________ sandwiches. What do we need?

Tom: We haven’t got ___________ bread. Can you buy ________?

Sarah: Yes, sure. What about butter?

Tom: We’ve got __________. I’ll buy _________cheese.

Sarah: OK, and is there __________ orange juice in the fridge?

Tom: No, I’ll get __________.

Sarah: Good. Do we need ___________ apples or cherries?

Tom: Just ___________ apples.

Sarah: Oh dear! I haven’t got ___________ money to buy the bread!

Tom: Don’t worry. I’ll lend you _____________.

Countable Lot of / Some / Any (9)

Utilizamos los cuantificadores para expresar la idea de cantidad o número.

Lots of / A lot of... Expresan idea de gran cantidad.
Lots of + nombre singular o plural

He's got lots of books /
El tiene muchos libros

A lot of babies. / Muchos bebes.

A lot of + nombre singular o plural
I've got a lot of experience / Tengo mucha experiencia


Some: Se usa some para frases afirmativos.
Se usa con contables y incontables.
Ejemplo: There is some water in the bottle. = Hay agua en la botella.

There are some bottles of water in the fridge.
Hay botellas de agua en la nevera.

Any: Se usa any para preguntas y frases negativos.
Se usa con contables y incontables.
Ejemplo: There isn't any water in the bottle. = No hay agua en la botella.

There aren't any bottles of water in the fridge.
No hay botellas de agua en la nevera.

Are there any bottles of water in the fridge?
Hay botellas de agua en la nevera?.

Tips (Consejos) Se puede usar some en la pregunta -
Would you like some...?
Es la forma educada para preguntar si alguien quiere tomar o comer algo...

EjemploWould you like some coffee? = Quieres un cafe?
Would you like a biscuit? = Quieres una galleta?

Quantifiers = Use Some and Any Exercise.

1) Ann has __________ candies.

2) Bill doesn't have __________ money.

3) Sue will give us __________ information.

4) There is __________ milk in the fridge.

5) There isn't _________ beer.

6) There aren't __________ boys in my family.

7) Bill won't give me __________ help.

8) Ann shouldn't smoke __________ cigarettes.

9) Sue must do __________ homework tonight.

10) My brother can't speak ___________ Chinese.

11) My sister can speak __________ Spanish.

12) I can't speak __________ Chinese or Spanish.

13) I must study __________ second languages.

14) Bill isn't __________ smarter than Jane.

15) Ann should eat __________ fresh fruit.

Countable How much/many (9)

Asking questions for countable and uncountable objects. TRANSLATE.
Complete the questions using much or many.

1. How __________ money do you have?


2. How __________ many people live in your city?


3. How __________ much does that book cost?


4. How __________ much rice is there?


5. How __________ many apples are there in the basket?


6. How __________ much petrol do we need?


7. How __________ many children are in the class?


8. How __________ many teachers do you have?


Countable How a/an/some (8)

Look at these rules

We use "a" with objects we can count and begin with a consonant.
Example: a book , a car, a toy, a boy...

We use "some" with object we can not count Example:
some milk, some hair, some water, some cream...

We use "an" with object we can count that begin with a vowel.
Example: an orange, an ashtray, a umbrella...


What do we use a, an or some for these words?
Then make a sentence.

1. __________ book


2. __________ wine


3. __________ rice


4. __________ apple


5. __________ music


6. __________ tomato


7. __________ rain


8. __________ cassette


9. __________ egg


10. _________ food


Countable How much/many (7)

Use the correct "Noun" to complete the sentences. Translate.

1. We need some tea. ______ do we need?
How much / How many


2. We need some eggs. ______ do we need?
How much / How many


3. We need some paper. ______ do we need?

How much / How many

4. We need some money. ______ do we need?
How much / How many

5. ______ cigarettes do you smoke a day?

How much / How many

6. ______ packets of cigarettes do you have?

How much / How many

7. ______ work have you got to do?

How much / How many

8. ______ sleep did you get last night?

How much / How many

9. ______ children have you got?

How much / How many

10. ______ bottles of wine are there in the cellar?

How much / How many

11. ______ English grammar do you know?

How much / How many

12. ______ Americans do you know?

How much / How many

13. ______ sugar do you take in your tea?

How much / How many

14. ______ apples do you eat in an average week?

How much / How many

15. ______ fruit do you eat in an average week?

How much / How many

16. ______ real friends do you have?

How much / How many

17. ______ chairs are there in your house?

How much / How many

18. ______ furniture do you have?

How much / How many

19. ______ traffic was there on the motorway today?

How much / How many


20. ______ times must I tell you?

How much / How many

Countable Uncountable / Many/Much (6)

How much time do you spend on the computer?
¿Cuanto tiempo pasas en la computadora?
How much - How many (Contables e incontables)

En ingles cuando queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo incontable, usamos la estructura:
“How much + sustantivo + is there?
How much milk is there ?
¿ cuanta leche hay ?

En las respuestas se puede usar un partitivo no especifico como;
a lot ( un montón ), a little ( un poco ), none ( nada ), some ( algo ).

Ejemplo: How much milk is there ? = There is a little.
¿ Cuanta leche hay ? hay un poco

Podemos usar partitivos especificos de unidad o medida o peso para especificar las cantidades;

Ejemplo: How much milk is there? = There is a litre, there is a bottle, etc..
¿Cuanta leche hay? Hay un litro, una botella, etc..

Si queremos preguntar acerca de la cantidad de un sustantivo contable, usamos la estructura:

How many + sustantivo + are there ?

Ejemplo: How many oranges are there ?
¿ Cuantas naranjas hay ? En las respuestas se usa:
a lot (un monton), a few (unas pocas), too many, (demasiadas), o none ( ninguna), some ( algunas),

Si queremos especificar cantidades entonces usamos partitivos contables del tipo; un kilo, un litro, un paquete, una bolsa, one, two, etc.

How much y how many se usan para preguntas en general acerca de cosas, cuando queremos que se nos indique las cantidades que hay, entonces how much y how many van acompañados de is there (hay un / una) o are there.(hay unos / unas)

Ejemplos: How much water is there? = There is 1 litre.
How many students are there? = There are eleven students in class.

Tambien existe otra forma de preguntar cuando no estamos seguros de si hay algo o no, y es usando, Is there + any + sustantivo (para incontables) o Are there + any + sustantivos (para contables)

Ejemplo: Is there any bread ? - ¿Hay algo de pan?
Yes, there is - Si hay

Are there any apples? - ¿Hay alguna manzana?
Yes there are - Si hay

Si quieres especificar la cantidad o cantidades, pues usas there is o there are + partitivo(s)

Ejemplo: There is a loaf of bread. Hay una barra de pan.

There are two loaves of bread. Hay dos barras de pan.

There is an apple. Hay una manzana.

There are three apples. Hay tres manzanas.

Apuntes especiales: En ingles los líquidos, materias y substancias son incontables, en este apartado debemos de incluir a los siguientes sustantivos que son incontables en ingles:

Money = dinero - Fruit = fruta - Bread = pan - Time = tiempo - Chocolate = chocolate Meat = carne.

Countable Uncountable Nouns (5)

Underline the correct answers in the following dialogue.

CHRIS: Hi! What are you up to?

PETE: Oh I'm just looking for (a)many (b)some (c)any antiques at this sale.

CHRIS: Have you found (a) something (b) anything (c) nothing yet?

PETE: Well there seems to be (a) a few (b) few (c) little things of interest. It really is a shame.

CHRIS: I can't believe that. I'm sure you can find (a) a thing
(b) something (c) anything interesting if you look in
(a) all (b) each (c) some stall.

PETE: You're probably right. It's just that there are (a) a few
b) a lot (c) a lot of collectors and they (a) every (b) each (c) all

seem to be set on finding (a) a thing (b) anything (c) much

of value. It's so stressful competing with them!

CHRIS: How (a) many (b) much (c) few antique furniture do you think there is?

PETE: Oh I'd say there must be (a) many (b) several (c) much pieces.

However only (a) a few (b) few (c) little

are really worth (a) the high (b) a high (c) high prices they are asking.

CHRIS: Why don't you take a break? Would you like to have (a) any (b) some (c) little coffee?

PETE: Sure I'd love to have (a) any (b) little (c) one.

I could use (a) some (b) a few (c) a little minutes of downtime.

CHRIS: Great, let's go over there. There're (a) a few (b) some (c) little seats left.

Countable Uncountable Nouns (4)

In each gap, type either "some" (for non-count nouns) or "a" (for count nouns).

Yesterday, I went with my family for a picnic at the beach.
We took lots of food, because we're all hungry!

First of all, we packed ____________chocolate to eat
in the car on the way to the beach.

For the first course, we took __________ soup and _____loaf of bread.
For the main course, we decided on ___________

chicken and salad sandwich for each person,
along with ____________ rice.

Finally, we packed a melon big enough for everyone to get __________ slice. Of course, we also

took ___________ tea and __________ coffee, and _______ litre of ice-cream. It seemed

like a huge quantity of food, but unfortunately we ate it all in the car!

By the time we got to the beach, there was nothing left.

Countable Uncountable Nouns (3)

Underline the correct word, and Translate.

1. telephone (Telefono)

2. vocabulary ____________

3. honesty ____________

4. forest ____________

5. hydrogen ____________

6. letter ____________

7. mail ____________

8. baggage ____________

9. ink ____________

10. ice ____________

11. toothbrush ____________

12. coffee ____________

13. furniture ___________

14. orange ____________

15. money ____________

16. dictionary ____________

17. English _____________

18. electricity ____________

19. cows ___________

20. information ___________

Countable Uncountable Nouns (2)

Identify the following objects as countable or uncountable.
Underline the correct word.

1. Q: Information = Countable / Uncountable

2. Q: Rules = Countable / Uncountable

3. Q: Sheep = Countable / Uncountable

4. Q: Fire = Countable / Uncountable

5. Q: Money = Countable / Uncountable

6. Q: Learning = Countable / Uncountable

7. Q: Rice = Countable / Uncountable

8. Q: Bottles Of Wine = Countable / Uncountable

9. Q: Equipment = Countable / Uncountable

10. Q: Traffic = Countable / Uncountable

11. Q: Stone (the material) = Countable / Uncountable

12. Q: Stones = Countable / Uncountable

13. Q: Talent = Countable / Uncountable

14. Q: Web Sites = Countable / Uncountable

15. Q: Clothes = Countable / Uncountable

16. Q: Music = Uncountable / Countable

17. Q: Deserts = Countable / Uncountable

18. Q: Land = Countable / Uncountable

19. Q: Nations = Countable / Uncountable

20. Q: Fish = Countable / Uncountable

Countable Uncountable Nouns (1)

Countable nouns are easy to recognize. They are things that we can count.
For example: "pen". We can count pens.
We can have one, two, three or more pens.
Here are some more countable nouns:

dog, cat, animal, man, person
bottle, box, litre
coin, note, dollar
cup, plate, fork
table, chair, suitcase, bag

Countable nouns can be singular or plural:

My dog is playing.
My dogs are hungry.

We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns:

A dog is an animal.

When a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it:
I want an orange. (not I want orange.)
Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)

When a countable noun is plural, we can use it alone:

I like oranges.
Bottles can break.

We can use some and any with countable nouns:

I've got some dollars.
Have you got any pens?

We can use a few and many with countable nouns:

I've got a few dollars.
I haven't got many pens.

"People" is countable. "People" is the plural of "person".

We can count people:

There is one person here.
There are three people here.

Uncountable nouns are substances, concepts etc that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot "count" them. For example, we cannot count "milk". We can count "bottles of milk" or "litres of milk", but we cannot count "milk" itself.

Here are some more uncountable nouns:
music, art, love, happiness
advice, information, news
furniture, luggage
rice, sugar, butter, water
electricity, gas, power
money, currency

We usually treat uncountable nouns as singular. We use a singular verb. For example:
This news is very important.
Your luggage looks heavy.

We do not usually use the indefinite article a/an with uncountable nouns. We cannot say "an information" or "a music". But we can say a something of:
a piece of news
a bottle of water
a grain of rice

We can use some and any with uncountable nouns:

I've got some money.
Have you got any rice?

We can use a little and much with uncountable nouns:
I've got a little money.
I haven't got much rice.

Uncountable nouns are also called "mass nouns".

Object Pronouns (8) Dialogue.

Example: My name is Jeremy.

1. Do you know Andy?

Sure, he's in my class, I study with ________ . Why?

Oh, nothing. I want him to help ________, that's all.

I have his 'phone number. Call _________!

Ok, thanks!


2. Hey Tyler, do you like lemons?

Yea, I really like __________.

And do you like rice?

Sure, I like _________.

And how about chicken?

Yep, I like that too. Why do you ask ________?

I want to make lemon chicken for dinner.
Sounds great!

3. What's that?

Oh, it's a photo of my ___________. Look, she's my Mum.

Oh yea, I know __________. Who's he?

He's my brother, everybody likes _________.

Look, that's my father.

Wow, he looks like you. And look at the big dog!

Yea, he's really big. He looks like ___________!

Object Pronouns (7)

Change the sentences using Object Pronouns. Translate

Example: I like music. - I like it.

1. I believe Sam. - I believe __________.


2. We study English. - We study _______ in the morning.

3. The teacher teaches the students.
He teaches _________ math.

4. Carla calls David and me. She calls ________.

5. She is my favorite singer.
I really like _______.

6. I like to talk to Tyler.
I like to talk to _________ .

7. They like sports.
They play _________ every day.

8. The bookstore is next to the bank.
The bookstore is next to _________.

9. Wow! I really like this scarf.
I want to buy _________ .

10. Dad wants to talk to you and Jenny.
He wants to talk to ____________.

Object Pronouns (6)

Change the sentences using Object Pronouns. Translate.

Example: I like the teacher. - I like him.

1. She calls Mary. - She calls __________.


2. You eat breakfast with David. -

You eat breakfast with ________.


3. We don't like fast food. -

We don't like _______.


4. I miss my family. - I miss ________.


5. He wants the book. - He wants _________?


6. Max likes David and me. - Max likes __________.


7. We give present to Mum at Christmas. -

We give presents to ____________ .


8. I want to see the movie. - I want to see _________ .


9. We love to meet Peter and Julie. -

We love to meet ________.


10. I want to talk to Paul. - I want to talk to __________.


Object Pronouns (5)

Write sentences with I like... I dont like... or Do you like...? + the Object Pronoun.

1. I don´t eat tomatoes.
I don´t like them.

2. Erick is a very nice man.

I like __________________________________.

3. This jacket isn´t very nice.

I don´t ________________________________.

4. This is my new car.

Do ___________________________________?

5. Mr. Jones is not very friendly.

I ____________________________________.

6. These are my new shoes.


Trancelate the complete sentences to Spanish.







Object Pronouns (4)

Traduce los enunciados al Ingles. Y luego vuelve a escribir el enunciado cambiando el nombre por el "Pronombre Objetivo"

1. Mandó las fotos.
He sent te pictures.= He sent them.

2. Resolvió el problema.



3. Perdieron las elecciones.



4. Leímos el cuento.



5. Pediste la cuenta.



6. Busqué al profesor Pérez.



7. Visitó a sus padres.



8. Visitasteis la ciudad.



9. Mirábamos el atardecer.

We were looking at the sunset. We were looking at it.

10. Escuchaste el programa.



Object Pronouns (3)

Underline the correct word in the boxes below. (Translate)

1. I see (they, them) every day .


2. He sits near (I, me) in class.


3. She goes with (we, us) to the movies a lot.


4. I like (she, her) very much.


5. I know (he, him) and his brother.


6. I often go with (they, them) to the city.


7. He often helps (I, me) with my lessons.


8. She writes many letters to (he, him).


9. Mr Adams teaches (we, us) English.


10. He gives many presents to (she, her).


sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Object Pronouns (2)

Casi todas las oraciones tienen un sujeto (subject) y un objeto (object). El sujeto desempeña la acción. La acción se desempeña en un objeto o a través de un objeto.
She saw a ghost.
Ella vio un fantasma.

I hear the monster. Hide!
Oigo al monstruo. ¡Escóndete!

John will speak to the teacher.
John hablará con el profesor.

Los pronombres de sujeto se usan siempre cuando el pronombre actue como sujeto. Cuando un pronombre se usa como objeto, se hace uso de pronombres objeto especiales.

They saw me.
Ellos me vieron.

She understood us.
Ella nos comprendió.

We heard them.
Nosotros les escuchamos.

They are speaking to her.
Ellos están hablando con ella.

She talked to them.
Elle habló con ellos.
Choose and write the correct "OBJECT PRONOUN"

1. "Is she writing to Leonardo di Caprio?"
"Yes, she is in love with ___!"
a. her
b. him
c. him

2. "John is making a lot of noise!"
"I'll ask ___ to be quiet".
a. him
b. it
c. its

3. "Please tell Mrs. Smith to come in."
"Sorry, I don't know ___."
a. her
b. him
c. she

4. "I can't find my glasses!"
"You are wearing ___!"
a. them
b. there
c. they

5. "Do you like bananas?"
"I love ___ !"
a. hers
b. its
c. them

6. "Why is he always talking about Pamela Anderson?"
"He obviously likes ___ !"
a. her
b. him
c. she

7. "Where is my book?
Oh, dear! I've lost ___ !"
a. him
b. it
c. its

8. "Is that Mary's new boyfriend?"
"Don't ask me, ask ___!"
a. her
b. his
c. it

9. "What is the title of that song?"
"I'm afraid I can't remember ___."
a. him
b. it
c. them

10. "Why is David so happy?"
"His friends gave ___a guitar for his birthday!"
a. him
b. it
c. them

11. "What are you going to do with those old papers?"
"I'm going to recycle ___."
a. their
b. them
c. they

12. "Let's see the latest Spielberg movie!"
"I have seen ___ already!"
a. him
b. it
c. there

13. "How are your parents?
I haven't seen ___ for some time now!"
a. them
b. there
c. they

14. "Have you met Tom and Lisa?"
"No, I have never met ___ ."
a. its
b. the
c. them

Object Pronouns (1)


SINGULAR: —> Me (first person) You (2nd) Her / him / it (third person)

PLURAL —> Us (1st) You (2nd) Them (3rd)

Definition: It is a pronoun that is used as an object in the sentence.

Remember: A subjective or subject pronoun does the action and goes BEFORE the verb while object pronouns go AFTER the verb.

Vienen después del verbo o después de una preposición.

Después de un verbo:

I call her every day. / Le llamo (a ella) todos los días.

Después de una preposición:

The present is for her. / El regalo es para ella.

The Object Pronoun goes in the complement of a sentence.
El Pronombre Objetivo va en el complemento de un enunciado.

Change the (noun) in the sentence to the OBJECTO PRONOUN.

e.g. I call Susan. = I call her.

1. I write letters to Mario.

2. I have a birthday present for the children.
3. Call Rita and me tomorrow.
4. I send my parents a letter every week.
5. He drives the car.
6. I talk to Maria.

7. I visit Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.

8. I have the books.
9. I visit Barbara.
10. I call Carlos.