domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Object Pronouns (8) Dialogue.

Example: My name is Jeremy.

1. Do you know Andy?

Sure, he's in my class, I study with ________ . Why?

Oh, nothing. I want him to help ________, that's all.

I have his 'phone number. Call _________!

Ok, thanks!


2. Hey Tyler, do you like lemons?

Yea, I really like __________.

And do you like rice?

Sure, I like _________.

And how about chicken?

Yep, I like that too. Why do you ask ________?

I want to make lemon chicken for dinner.
Sounds great!

3. What's that?

Oh, it's a photo of my ___________. Look, she's my Mum.

Oh yea, I know __________. Who's he?

He's my brother, everybody likes _________.

Look, that's my father.

Wow, he looks like you. And look at the big dog!

Yea, he's really big. He looks like ___________!

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