domingo, 25 de enero de 2009

Countable Lot of / Some / Any (9)

Utilizamos los cuantificadores para expresar la idea de cantidad o número.

Lots of / A lot of... Expresan idea de gran cantidad.
Lots of + nombre singular o plural

He's got lots of books /
El tiene muchos libros

A lot of babies. / Muchos bebes.

A lot of + nombre singular o plural
I've got a lot of experience / Tengo mucha experiencia


Some: Se usa some para frases afirmativos.
Se usa con contables y incontables.
Ejemplo: There is some water in the bottle. = Hay agua en la botella.

There are some bottles of water in the fridge.
Hay botellas de agua en la nevera.

Any: Se usa any para preguntas y frases negativos.
Se usa con contables y incontables.
Ejemplo: There isn't any water in the bottle. = No hay agua en la botella.

There aren't any bottles of water in the fridge.
No hay botellas de agua en la nevera.

Are there any bottles of water in the fridge?
Hay botellas de agua en la nevera?.

Tips (Consejos) Se puede usar some en la pregunta -
Would you like some...?
Es la forma educada para preguntar si alguien quiere tomar o comer algo...

EjemploWould you like some coffee? = Quieres un cafe?
Would you like a biscuit? = Quieres una galleta?

Quantifiers = Use Some and Any Exercise.

1) Ann has __________ candies.

2) Bill doesn't have __________ money.

3) Sue will give us __________ information.

4) There is __________ milk in the fridge.

5) There isn't _________ beer.

6) There aren't __________ boys in my family.

7) Bill won't give me __________ help.

8) Ann shouldn't smoke __________ cigarettes.

9) Sue must do __________ homework tonight.

10) My brother can't speak ___________ Chinese.

11) My sister can speak __________ Spanish.

12) I can't speak __________ Chinese or Spanish.

13) I must study __________ second languages.

14) Bill isn't __________ smarter than Jane.

15) Ann should eat __________ fresh fruit.

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