sábado, 24 de enero de 2009

Object Pronouns (1)


SINGULAR: —> Me (first person) You (2nd) Her / him / it (third person)

PLURAL —> Us (1st) You (2nd) Them (3rd)

Definition: It is a pronoun that is used as an object in the sentence.

Remember: A subjective or subject pronoun does the action and goes BEFORE the verb while object pronouns go AFTER the verb.

Vienen después del verbo o después de una preposición.

Después de un verbo:

I call her every day. / Le llamo (a ella) todos los días.

Después de una preposición:

The present is for her. / El regalo es para ella.

The Object Pronoun goes in the complement of a sentence.
El Pronombre Objetivo va en el complemento de un enunciado.

Change the (noun) in the sentence to the OBJECTO PRONOUN.

e.g. I call Susan. = I call her.

1. I write letters to Mario.

2. I have a birthday present for the children.
3. Call Rita and me tomorrow.
4. I send my parents a letter every week.
5. He drives the car.
6. I talk to Maria.

7. I visit Mr. and Mrs. Anderson.

8. I have the books.
9. I visit Barbara.
10. I call Carlos.

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