domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009

Past To Be Verb Practice: Scientists (2)

Underline the correct past tense answer for each question. TRANSLATE

Charles Darwin

1) Charles Darwin [was were] born on February 12, 1809.

2) He [was were] a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection.

3) In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals [was were] similar to modern species.

4) Many people [was were] strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.

5) Throughout his life, Darwin [was were] a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.

Albert Einstein

6) When Albert Einstein [waswere] young, his parents worried about him.

7) Einstein's parents [was were] concerned that Albert was "slow."

8) Albert [was were] a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams.

9) Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity, [was were] published in 1905.

10) Unfortunately, the theory of relativity [was were] used to create the atomic bomb.

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