And translate them. “You are in a Zoo”.
1. Tom is repairing the peacock’ old cage.
Tom was repairing the ostriches’ old cage.
2. Mary and John are cleaning the salamander and iguana’s cages.
3. The boys are riding the elephant.
4. Calvin is searching for rattlesnake and cobras for the Zoo’s exhibition.
5. Penguins are living in the North Pole.
6. Monica is feeding the peacocks, the pheasants and the flamingos.
7. The stork is making a new nest near the water.
9. The sharks, stingrays, and eels are being moved to a larger tank.
10. There is a new litter of baby tigers and lions at the children’s Zoo.
11. The dolphin’s flipper is bleeding. (flipper = aleta)
12. The chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, an the baboon are in quarantine.

13. Grizzly, and black bears are not living in the same cage.
14. Polar bears are in a special cage with a water tank installed in it.
15. Hippopotamus and rhinoceros are not the favorite of tourists.
16. Mrs. Giraffe is going to be a mama very soon.
17. The high school students are near the raccoons and skunks’ den.
18. The hyenas are scavenger animals.
19. The skunk is going to be a papa.
1. Tom is repairing the peacock’ old cage.
Tom was repairing the ostriches’ old cage.
2. Mary and John are cleaning the salamander and iguana’s cages.
3. The boys are riding the elephant.
4. Calvin is searching for rattlesnake and cobras for the Zoo’s exhibition.
5. Penguins are living in the North Pole.
6. Monica is feeding the peacocks, the pheasants and the flamingos.
7. The stork is making a new nest near the water.
9. The sharks, stingrays, and eels are being moved to a larger tank.
10. There is a new litter of baby tigers and lions at the children’s Zoo.
11. The dolphin’s flipper is bleeding. (flipper = aleta)
12. The chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, an the baboon are in quarantine.

13. Grizzly, and black bears are not living in the same cage.
14. Polar bears are in a special cage with a water tank installed in it.
15. Hippopotamus and rhinoceros are not the favorite of tourists.
16. Mrs. Giraffe is going to be a mama very soon.
17. The high school students are near the raccoons and skunks’ den.
18. The hyenas are scavenger animals.
19. The skunk is going to be a papa.
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