domingo, 15 de marzo de 2009
“Containers / Quantities” Past Tense. (15)

“Containers / Quantities”. (14)
1. The carton of eggs is two dlls.
2. The bottle of juice is on the table.
3. The loaf of bread in near the sink.
4. The roll of bathroom paper is in the bathroom.
5. The winnies are in their package.
6. The jar of mayonnaise in the fridge.
7. The box of cookies are cheap.
8. The six-pack is in the freezer.
9. A tub of butter is what I need.
10. A stick of gum is in my pocket.
11. The can of tomato soup is expensive.
12. The book of matches is on the stove.
13. The bar of soap is pink.
14. The slice of pizza is delicious.
15. The tube of tooth-paste is small.
Weather Watch (13)
Use was / were.
1. Yesterday’s ___________________________________ sunny and warm.
(Rain / weather)
2. The wind ____________________________________ at ten miles an hour.
(blowing / snow)
3. This morning’s sunrise __________ at five _______________________.
(clocks / o’clock)
4. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy with a chance of __________________.
(fun / rain)
5. The high __________________ yesterday ___________ 76 degrees.
(wind / temperature)
6. The rainfall for this year totals five ______________________________.
(inches / shoes)
7. A tornado _______________________________ in effect until six o’clock.
(snow / warning)
8. The forest Patrol reports four inches of __________________________.
(snow / warm)
Change the verb in each sentence to the past test.
“Fruits and Vegetables”. Translate.
1. The shellfish are: lobsters, shrimp, clams, oysters, and crab.

2. The bacon is in the fridge.
3. The pork chops are small.
4. The hamburger is a double decker.
5. The meatballs are on the spaghetti.
6. The pancakes are very thick.
7. The avocados are ripe.
8. The cherries are in the basket.
9. The cucumbers are for the salad.
10. The radishes are for the pozole.
Where you late this morning?
No, I wasn’t. I was early.
Was he sick last night?
No, he wasn’t. He was fine.
Was her hair very straight?
No, it wasn’t it was very curly.
Were there eight new lessons?
No, there weren’t. There were nine.
Was the movie short?
No, it wasn’t. It was long.
Was the wine expensive?
No, it wasn’t It was free.
Was I right?
No, you weren’t. You were wrong.
Were the tickets two dollars?
No, they weren’t. They were three.
Present to Past. (11)
1. You are on time.
2. The teacher is here.
3. You are very sad.
4. I am right or wrong.
5. The lessons are easy.
6. The sandwich is good.
7. You are in that class.
8. That book is interesting.
9. He is not in the room.
10. The man is not busy.
11. They are not hungry.
Present to Past. (10)
1. Mr. Wilson is talking to the visitors.
2. We are almost ready.
3. You are very late.
4. They are at work.
5. It is in the drawer.
7. She is in Tijuana.
8. I am sick and tired.
9. That is a surprise!
10. The men are angry.
11. Mr. Harris is there.
Verb “To be” Questions. (9)
verb to the beginning of the sentence.
Father Thomas was building a new church.
Was Father Thomas building a new church?
Change the sentences from affirmative to question.
1. His secretary Socorro was helping him in the office.
2. Many people were visiting the new church.
3. Father Thomas was going to buy a new chalice. (caliz)
4. The workers were finishing the altar.
5. He was already celebrating mass in the new church. (mass = misa)
6. The workers were going to hang the stations of the Cross. (vía crucis)
7. There were many flowers in the new church.
8. There was a large cross behind the altar. (cross = cruz)
9. Father Thomas was going to have the old church demolished.
10. The new church’s chorus was on the balcony. (chorus = coro)
11. There were many children that want to sing in the chorus.
12. The church was finished last year.
A thief stole a car. (8)
A thief stole an expensive car from a garage on main street last
Sundae at 5:00. p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Jones (1) _________ in a restaurant
next to the garage. Charlie Green (2) _________ across the street in a
grocery store.
According to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, the thief (3) _________ tall and thin.
His hair (4) _________ brown and curly.
According to Charlie Green, the thief (5) _________ young and handsome.
His clothes (6) _________ expensive.
The police are looking for the thief today. They’re talking to Frank
Harris. He’s a tall, thin young man with brown, curly hair.
Police: (7) _________ you on Main Street last Sundae at 5:00 p.m?
Frank: No, I (8) __________. I (9) ___________ at home with my wife.
Police: Are you sure?
Frank: Of course I am.
Police: That’s strange. Your wife says she (10) ____________ at home
all evening, but you (11) ____________ there.
Frank: I wasn’t.
Police: No, you (12) _____________.
Frank: Oh, I forgot. Last Sundae at 5:00 p.m.
I (13) __________ with my friend Tom.
Police: Where (14) ____________ you and your friend?
Frank: We (15) ___________ here at the police station.
Police: Why (16) ____________ you at the police station?
Frank: We (17) ____________ here because at 4:00 p.m. last Sundae a
thief stole my friend Tom’s car!
1. According to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, was the thief tall and thin?
Yes, he was.
2. Was his hair blond and straight?
3. According to Charlie Green, was the thief old?
4. Were his clothes expensive?
5. Was Frank at home at 5:00 p.m. last Sunday?
6. Was he with his wife?
7. Who was he with?
8. Where were they?
9. Why?
I (1) ___________ very depressed last Monday.
The weather (2) ___________ terrible.
It (3) ____________ cold and foggy. And my roof
(4) _____________ leaking. My husband
(5) ______________ sick, and our doctor
(6) ____________ out of town. The neighbors
(7) angry ______________ because my children
(8) _______________ noisy. They (9) _________
playing on the porch, basket ball.
The house (10) _______________ dirty. There 11) ______________
dirty dishes in the sink. My children’s clothes (12) _______________ on
the floor in their bedroom, they (13) ___________ soaking wet because
our roof (14) ______________ leaking, and our refrigerator, (15) _________
broken. I (16) ______________ very tired and hungry all morning.
I (1) _______________ very happy yesterday morning. The weather
(2) ______________ beautiful. It (3) _______________ warm and sunny.
There (4) ______________ flowers in the garden. There (5) a bird at _____________
the window. My children (6) _______________ at school, and my husband
and I (7) ________________ on vacation.
Change from the Present to the Past Tense. (6)
1. Tom is repairing the peacock’ old cage.
Tom was repairing the ostriches’ old cage.
2. Mary and John are cleaning the salamander and iguana’s cages.
3. The boys are riding the elephant.
4. Calvin is searching for rattlesnake and cobras for the Zoo’s exhibition.
5. Penguins are living in the North Pole.
6. Monica is feeding the peacocks, the pheasants and the flamingos.
7. The stork is making a new nest near the water.
9. The sharks, stingrays, and eels are being moved to a larger tank.
10. There is a new litter of baby tigers and lions at the children’s Zoo.
11. The dolphin’s flipper is bleeding. (flipper = aleta)
12. The chimpanzee, gorilla, orangutan, an the baboon are in quarantine.

13. Grizzly, and black bears are not living in the same cage.
14. Polar bears are in a special cage with a water tank installed in it.
15. Hippopotamus and rhinoceros are not the favorite of tourists.
16. Mrs. Giraffe is going to be a mama very soon.
17. The high school students are near the raccoons and skunks’ den.
18. The hyenas are scavenger animals.
19. The skunk is going to be a papa.
Peter isn´t Ann´s brother / Is Peter Ann´s brother?
1. They are crazy about it"
2."We are all teachers"
3. I was in San Diego yesterday"
4. They are swimming here"
5. Those boys are students"
6. Her favourite sport is football"
7. There is a clock on the wall"
8. There´re some buses in the street"
9. My eyes are brown"
10. Her scarf is blue"
11. "Is Peter Ann´s brother?"
_________________________________________ (+)
_________________________________________ (-)
12. "They aren´t crazy about it"
NEGATIVE- was / were (4)
1) They ___________ ill.
2) You ___________ tired.
3) The children ___________ quiet.
4) Max ___________ in Helsinki last week.
5) She ____________ home for dinner.
6) The water ___________ cold.
7) There ____________ a good film on TV yesterday.
8) We ____________ in Brazil last winter.
9) Betty and Florence ___________ at school this morning.
10) I ____________ happy when I heard about the accident.
was or were - Simple Past (3)
1) I __________ in Canberra last spring.
2) We ___________ at school last Saturday.
3) Tina ____________ at home yesterday.
4) He ____________ happy.
5) Robert and Stan ____________ Garry's friends.
6) You ____________ very busy on Friday.
7) They _____________ in front of the supermarket.
8) I ____________ in the museum.
9) She ___________ in South Africa last month.
10) Jessica and Kimberly ____________ late for school.
Past To Be Verb Practice: Scientists (2)
Charles Darwin
1) Charles Darwin [was were] born on February 12, 1809.
2) He [was were] a British naturalist who became famous for his theories of evolution and natural selection.
3) In South America, Darwin found that fossils of extinct animals [was were] similar to modern species.
4) Many people [was were] strongly opposed to the idea of evolution because it conflicted with their religious beliefs.
5) Throughout his life, Darwin [was were] a reserved, thorough, hard working scholar.
Albert Einstein
6) When Albert Einstein [waswere] young, his parents worried about him.
7) Einstein's parents [was were] concerned that Albert was "slow."
8) Albert [was were] a terrible student who didn't want to attend classes regularly and take exams.
9) Einstein's best-known work, the theory of relativity, [was were] published in 1905.
10) Unfortunately, the theory of relativity [was were] used to create the atomic bomb.
Verb to be in the past. (1)
El verbo "to be" en "Past tense" (pasado) se conjuga de la siguiente manera:
I was [ai guas] = Yo era/estaba
You were [iu güer] = Tú eras/estabas/ Usted era/estaba
He was [hi guas] = Él era/ estaba
She was [shi guas] = Ella era/estaba
It was [It guas ] = Él/ella/ello (para cosas) era/estaba
You were [iu güer] = Ustedes eran/estaban
We were [güi güer] = Nosotros/as éramos/estuvimos
They were [dei güer] = Ellos/as eran/estaban
Choose the correct form.
Q1 - There ____ many people at the show.
was were
Q2 - ____ you tired?
Was Were
Q3 - They ____ late.
was were
Q4 - I ____ very annoyed.
was were
Q5 - She ____ there.
was were
Q6 - Everybody ____ pleased.
was were
Q7 - There ____ no trouble at the party.
was were
Q8 - ____ there any difficulty in finding it?
Was Were
Q9 - Who ____ at the meeting?
was were
Q10 - It ____ no bother.
was were
Q11 - How much ____ they?
was were